Blogging Tutorial and Adsense: Expands the Advantages of Internet

                                                  Source Image : - Do you have a leisure time and being confused to spend it? Don’t just lying on the bed and playing with your smart phone. Let’s take the benefit from internet that would give you money! How could it be? Blogging and Adsense would be deal with this affair.
To make a blog firstly you have to own Google account. It just piece of cake, opens the application in your laptop then click “Gmail” in the top right. The next is, click “Create an account” in the same side. There would be like a form, and follow the clear instructions until your account have already finished. In addition, there are some advantages in choosing this type of blog, such as: free, easy to use, enough complete features, and trusted now that it is directly managed by Google. 
The next step is, click your profile then click “Continue to Blogger.” You would see “New Blog” in your screen, and then click it. The last, fill your blog detail. It has been completed; thus, click “See Blog” to know the result.
To begin with, Adsense is a program that everyone could join who wants to get additional income from internet by installing “Google Adsense” advertisement into your website or blog. Commonly, the type of advertisement is influenced by your blog content. For several times later, check your Adsensense income in your account to ensure how much nominal that you get. If it has reached minimum $100 dollars, you can exchange it into physic money in places which have Western Union (WU) logo like bank, pawnshop, or post office. 
Furthermore, how to make Adsense? The early step is, you should post something meaningful in your blog. It could article, short story, recipe, traveling experience, etc depend on your passion. It is meant in order to your blog has many visitors. But, the essential points are, you have to post in one topic only and it must be your own work. In a simple word, copy and paste are strongly prohibited.
So, if you have done the step above, let’s make Adsense account in your blog. First, log in to your Dashboard blog. Click “Setting” and then “Language and Formatting,” choose your official language. Moreover, refresh your Dashboard blog, and it would be a new tab. There are several lists, and you have to click “Adsense Income.” Next, click “Sign Up,” and there are three options to choose what E-mail address that would be used. But, it is better to use your Gmail address. The last but not least, choose your language again, and then explain or describe about your blog briefly. Click “Continue,” and the last fill the application form. At the end, click “Send my Application.” Great! You have had Adsense account. Besides, in six hours up to one day or one week later, you would receive a confirmation E-mail from Google whether your application is accepted or not. As long as the content of your blog is interesting, you would have more possibility to be accepted. 
Title: Blogging Tutorial and Adsense: Expands the Advantages of Internet
Posted by: Andi Leangle
Published : 2016-08-16T10:18:00+07:00
Rating: 3.5
Reviewer: 5 Reviews
Blogging Tutorial and Adsense: Expands the Advantages of Internet

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